Deep Landscape Plug, Native Perennial in the Lily family
Height: 1-2 feet
Spread: 8-10 inches
USDA Hardiness Zone: 4-10
Bloom: umbel-shaped, 2 inches wide, light pink or white in color
Exposure: full sun to light shade
Attributes: cut flower, container, rock garden, naturalizing, groundcover, drought tolerant, dried flower. Makes a great addition to prairie gardens, herb gardens, or cut flower gardens. Looks best in mass plantings.
Critter Resistance: deer resistant
Flowering Months: May-June
Attracts Wildlife: pollinators, hummingbirds, butterflies. Insects must be able to hang upside down to utilize the nectar.
Foliage Color: green
Soil Moisture Preference: dry to moist, well drained, and tolerates dry or other harsh conditions.